Updated: 4th of July 2024 – Version 3.0
The law applies in second life in general.
This describes what is to be considered crime here, and what punishment level you can get.
1. if you violate:
§ x.x.A | You’ll get 24 hours in the police station holding cell, you wouldn’t go to court. |
§ x.x.B | You’ll get 3-7 real online days in low / max prison or 24 hours in short term prison |
§ x.x.C | You’ll get 7-21 real online days in low / max prison or 24 hours in short term prison |
§ x.x.D | You’ll get 21-50 real online days in low / max prison or 24 hours in short term prison |
§ x..x.E | You’ll get 50-115 real online days in max prison or 24 hours in short term prison |
* = When you are arrested you can choose between short term prison, maximum security prison or low security prison.
Further information does not apply if you have chosen short term prison. If you have chosen short term prison jump to the list of offences.
2. Each offense is punished individually.
For example:
If you are charged with § 3.11 E – Murder and § 2.7 C – Burglary & theft, you risk the maximum sentence: 21+115= 136 real online days and a minimum of 7+50= 57 days. Real online days mean that for each real day you are online at second life count as 1 day sentence.
3. If you are sentence to more than 250 days (25 years) in prison you will get the life sentence. Life sentence means you will not be released from prison
We translate days into fictitious months and years:
Real days where you are online | Years and months |
10 days | 1 year |
5 days | 6 months |
3 days | 3 months |
1 day | 1 month |
4. Mayor can pardon people from their sentence.
The law
§ 1 – The Sex Act
§ 2 – Property Act
§ 3 – Act on the Protection of Personal Freedom and Peace
§ 4 – The road traffic act
§ 5 – The Drug, illegal imports and weapon Act
§ 6 – Act on finance and documents
§ 7 – The Environment Act
§ 8 – The Healthcare Act
§ 9 – The Public Authorities Act
§ 10 – Act on execution of punishment
§ 1 – The Sex Act
§ 1.1 A – Prostitution Selling sex or intent to sell without a valid prostitute license |
§ 1.2 B – Pimping Pimping more than 5 whores is prohibited. |
§ 1.3 D – Rape Rape is sexual behavior or acts without consent. The legal age for sexual intercourse in Angerpool is: Anyone of the age of 20 or above. For sex with a person below 20 see §4.18.Even if it is with consent |
§ 1.4 E – Pedophilia Sexual behavior or actions with people under the age of 20 is pedophile in Angerpool. The legal age for sexual intercourse in Angerpool is: Anyone of the age of 20 or above. |
§2 – Property Act
§ 2.1 A – Petty theft Steal food or items at Kiwi and Peppes Pizza |
§ 2.2 B/C – Trespassing B – Go into someone’s property or enter a building without permission and without breaking in. C – Go into goverment property which is not open to visitors |
§ 2.3 A – Arson a garbage can |
§ 2.4 C – Arson a building or object |
§ 2.5 B – Single burglary Committed one burglary on someone property. When nobody was home, and nothing was stolen. |
§ 2.6 B – Single theft Stealing someone’s property without committing burglary. |
§ 2.7 C – Burglary & theft Committed one burglary and stole items from a property. When no one was home |
§ 2.8 D – Multiple burglaries Commit multiple burglary where §2.9 and 2.10 is not applicable. |
§ 2.9. D – Robbery without weapons Committed one burglary without weapons and stole items from a property when some was home. Or committing robbery of a person, organization or company |
§ 2.10 E – Armed robbery Committed one burglary with weapons and stole items from a property when some was home. Or committing robbery of a person, organization or company. |
§3 – Act on the Protection of Personal Freedom and Peace
§ 3.1 A – Disturb order minor treating behavior, drunk or other similar crimes in the public room. (AO found at Neon Nights) Person can pay a fine ( 25 $L) or spend the night in a holding cell |
§ 3.2 A – Public intoxication Visibly drunk or drinking alcohol in public or unable to take care of themselves Person can pay 25 $L or spend the night in a holding cell |
§ 3.3 A – Naked in public Seen naked in public. |
§ 3.4 A – Protest Applies for illegal marches of protest |
§ 3.5 A – Insult of a public official, resident or visitor |
§ 3.6 A/C – Threats A – Resident or visitor C – Public official |
§ 3.7 B – Identity Theft Steal someone’s identity |
§ 3.8 B/C/D – Kidnapping B – Attempted kidnapping C – Kidnapped a person under 24 hours D – Kidnapped a person above 24 hours |
§ 3.9 D/E – Kidnapping of an public official D – Attempted kidnapping E – Kidnapped |
§ 3.10 C – Bodily harm assault, pain, impairment or illness of the body |
§ 3.11 C/D/E – Murder C – Murder in self-defense D – Attempted murder E – Murder a person |
§4 – The road traffic act
§4.1 A – Jaywalking Cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully or without regard for approaching traffic. |
§ 4.2 A – Sign violation Applies to pedestrians and drivers |
§4.3 A/B – Careless and reckless driving A – No damage to property or people B – damage to property or people |
§ 4.4 A/B/C – Speeding A – Up to 5 mph over the limit B – Between 5-20 mph over the limit C – Above 20 mph over the limit |
§ 4.5 C – DUI / DWI Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs |
§5 – The Drug, illegal imports and weapon Act
§ 5.1 A/B – Use & possession of drugs for own use Quantity of drugs for personal use A – small quantity of drugs for personal use B – medium quantity of drugs for personal use. |
§ 5.2 C – Selling drugs or intent to sell Large quantity of drugs / or if you are seen selling drugs. |
§ 5.3 C – Storage or/and production of drugs Storage of drugs intended for sale. Or production of drugs intended for sale |
§ 5.4 C – Smuggling Any kind importation of objects and materials using body cavities. |
§ 5.5 C/D – Illegal import Illegal importation of illegal substances or objects C – minor offense D – gross violation |
§ 5.6 C – Law against carrying weapons Carrying knives and other weapons is prohibited. Except for the police. |
§6 – Act on finance and documents
§ 6.1 A/B/C – Bribe A – a resident or a visitor B – attempt to bribe a public official C – public official |
§ 6.2 C – Corruption Any kind of corruption which is not approved by the state. |
§ 6.3 B – Bribe / Attempt to bribe a public official |
§ 6.4 B/C/D – Embezzlement of money B – Under 100 000 §L C– Under 500 000 §L D – Above 500 000 §L |
§ 6.5 C/D– Money laundering C – Under 500 000 $L D – Above 500 000 $L |
§ 6.6 B Violation of financial legislation |
§ 6.7 C – Fraud Any kind of fraud |
§ 6.8 C/D Forgery C – Forgery of documents or objects/material D – Forgery of documents and/or destroy evidence |
§7 – The Environment Act
§ 7.1 A/C Littering Does not apply to those who rent apartments or houses A – Rez less than 15 prims without cleaning it up C – Rez more than 15 prims without cleaning it up NB! Rez more than 50 prims without cleaning it up and you will be banned from the sim. |
§ 7.2 D – Harmful substances Release of harmful substances |
§8 – The Healthcare Act
Admission to a mental hospital Mental illness means a state of mind that affects your thinking, perceiving, emotion or judgment and that seriously impairs your mental function so that you require care or medical treatment in your own interest or in the interest of others. |
§8.1 C Assessed as a threat to society or high risk of self-harm You be taken to the court and given a court order that you must be kept in a closed ward at the mental hospital. After the court order has expired, you must return to court to get a new order. There it becomes clear whether you can be discharged or whether you must stay for another period |
§ 8.2 B – Failure to comply with mental health program If you have received a statutory health program but do not follow it |
§9 – The Public Authorities Act
§9.1 B – Disobey orders Resisting arrest, opposes orders from the police or the state. |
§9.2 B – Give false identity to the police For example fake ID or say a fake information when the police ask for your identity. |
§9.3 C – False statement False statement given to the police |
§9.4 B/D/E – Opposition to the regime B – Express a critical opinion on the regime D – Planning actions against regime E -Carry out actions against the regime |
§9.5 C – Imposing as an public officials impersonate the police or other public authority |
§9.6 D – Espionage in case of spy activity or complicity to spy activity |
§9.7 E – Terror when planning and carrying out terrorist attacks. Always used where bombs are used or mass murder |
§10 – Act on execution of punishment
§10.1 B/C/D – Escape from state custody B – Attempted escape C – Escape – Below 24 hours D – Escape – Above 24 hours |
§ 10.2 C – Smuggling and import Smuggling and importing illegal objects and drugs into prison |
§ 10.3 C – Probation violation Activities considered probation violations include failure to pay fines or restitution, failure to report to a probation officer, failure to appear in court and travel out of state without probation’s approval. |
§ 10.4 C – Failure to comply with mental health program If you have served time in the mental prison and you have been given a statutory health program you must follow, and you do not follow it. |
§ 10.5 Punishment If you do not follow orders from staff, they have the right to punish you in an efficient and painful way |