Angerpool is open, with no known errors. Report errors here
Please read through the information below before you enter. You can visit the place here
- Angerpool
- Rules
- Map of Angerpool
- City crimes
- Prison roleplay
- Mental hospital roleplay
- Prostitution roleplay
- Join as staff
- What is OOC & IC?
Natalie Olsen committed a coup and seized power in Angerpool 4th of July 2023. Since then the city state is ruled by Mayor Natalie Olsen and the city quickly became a Police state. Angerpool is therefore not a western democracy but a form of dictatorship
What is a police state?
A police state is a state (country) where the police and/or the military can intervene against the state’s citizens with surveillance, arrests, searches and interrogations without specific legal authority (or by wide interpretation of the existing laws). For most visitors, you will be safe as long as you follow the Angerpool Law. But the authorities can imprison people that are political opponents or what are seen as terrorist in the view of authorities for an unlimited time without trial or judgment. The aim of a police state is to secure the position of the incumbent state leadership and prevent opposition
Angerpool City is setup with:
1. Many temptations and opportunities for crime. The city have a large prison island, court rooms and a police station. It is perfectly setup for prison/criminal roleplay.
2. Mental hospital. You can attend this hospital to talk to psychiatrists in the open ward. But if the court determines that you are a danger to society, you may have to be admitted to a closed ward. Rumor has it that this is almost like being in prison, but with medical treatment.
3. Prostitution industry (Prostitutes must have a license to operate legally here apply under forms on the webpage)
4. As part of the prostitution industry there is a brothel and a night club.
Prisoners / Detainee
We are a city-state who believe in physical and psychological punishment when someone does something criminal. Therefore, chains are used on our prisoners so that they remember that they are in prison.
Updated: 21st of May
- Your avatar must be at least 90 days old and must be human (No furry). You must be above 18 years of age in real life to be here. You must be writing/speaking English or Norwegian or use a translator. By beeing here you agree to be monitored and following these rules.
- We try to keep things as realistic as possible, unrealistic role play can be denied by staff. Common sense (OOC) and real-life physical laws apply to this SIM.
- Respect your fellow role player. Behave good in OOC (out of character) chat. Try to solve any arguing by yourself. Last step should be to involve the owner. Send Natalieolsen a notecard with the full story and what you complain is, do not use instant messaging (IM).
- Alternative character (Alts.): A given person must tell staff members about their alternative characters on the sim when they become prisoners or staff members. Alts. are allowed as long as you play within this rule.
- By visiting Angerpool you agree to follow the law. If you break any of the laws, you will be arrested and punished according to the law.
- Its mandatory to use a viewer that supports RLV scripts, for example firestorm. How to enable RLV scripts in Firestorm
- The staff members can ban any avatar that repeatedly doesn’t follow these rules and avatars who create a bad atmosphere – temporary or forever. If you steal uniforms, you are banned permanently.
- It is allowed to visit the city without role-playing. It is not allowed to use the city, courtrooms, police stations or prison for role-play where the staff isn’t included.
- Recruiting players to your own sim is not allowed
Map of Angerpool
City crimes
On each building in Angerpool you will find a button like the one pictured above. Simply touch the button and information about what crimes can be done is shown in local chat / nearby chat
Prison roleplay
Angerpool is setup for prison roleplay, we have our own prison island where the prison is located. To become a prisoner you must break the Angerpool Law and do one of the following options.
How to become a prisoner?
- Crime scenarios in the city: The town is set up with various scenarios that you can play out. The red push buttons on the buildings will tell you which role-play scenarios have been set up on each building or area.
- Turn yourself in: You can walk to the police station and turn yourself in to a staff member. Or you can enter the “turn yourself-in cell” at Angerpool Police Station. You must wait in there until the staff spots you.
- Arrest warrant: You can fill in the Arrest Warrant form – When submitted, you can look at this as if the judge has issued an warrant for your arrest. If are spotted in the city you will be arrested by the staff.
- Report to the police: You can report someone to the police: here – It is possible to do this anonymously
- Prison transfer: If you are prisoner on a different prison sim and want to be transfer here, the staff members at your current prison location need to talk to our Chief of Police (IdaMoore)-
- Summons to court hearing: Have you received a letter of a summons to court hearing? Enter enter the “turn yourself-in cell” at Angerpool Police Station and wait here. You must wait in there until the staff spots you.
Once you been arrested
Then you’ll be handcuffed and shackled, because we hate running after people trying to run away. You will then have your rights read to you and you will be put in the police car.
Intake procedure
You must undress, so that both you and your clothes can be searched for illegalities. We will then take a mugshot of you.
Fill in the Intake form
You find this form next to the first door you passed through when you landed in Angerpool. Click on Roleplay kit. If you fill this in before you getting yourself arrested you save us some time. Alternative is that after you been arrested you will be taken to the police station where you will be asked to fill in the intake form. Take your time and fill in all the information we ask for. Information about the different prisons you will find here. Remember that for violent and §4 – crimes you cannot serve time in a low security prison or just spend a night in a cell. Read the Angerpool Law so that you are prepared for what punishment you will receive. The minimum sentence are set by the city council and cannot be negotiated.
Guilty or not guilty
If you plead guilty, the trial will start immediately. A public lawyer will be present, but the case will be considered a confession case. You will get a 10% discount by confessing. (Rounded up to the nearest whole day)
Your prison sentence is determined by the following.
1. Each offense is judged individually.
2. Which paragraphs in the Angerpool Law have you broken?
Read the introduction to the Angerpool Law here
The way forward
If you pleaded not guilty, you will be put in a holding cell while you wait for the investigation to be finished. If you plead guilty, you go to the District Court.
How does the court work here?
We have both a automated judge system and real judges
- You will always be sentence to prison within the limits in Angerpool Law. Read introduction of the law before you contine
- For short term prison your sentence will always be 24 real hours. But in court you will be sentenced to x years and x months.
- You can represent yourself in court, or you can use your lawyer by clicking on her and type in the pop-up box what she is going to say.
District Court
- The automated judge system is used here. In this court there is a script that decides how long you will be sentence to prison.
- All cases uses this court except retrials or cases where people just spend a night in holding cell.
Here is an example of how a trial takes place in District Court:
- The detainee is placed in the cage next to the detainee layer . The police officer is sitting on the opposite side.
- Police Officer touche the judge’s head to make her speak (Staff group needed activated) The detainee can make the lawyer speak by touching the lawyers head.
- Judge welcomes the defense and the police. And ask the police to present the case. Police presents the case. Judge ask how the detainee plead to the charges and if they have a response to what the police have presented.
- From here you can make it as long and short as you want.
- For each of the charges the judge say: For <charge> you will get….(touch the B,C,D,E box in front of you) At the end the judge summary the charges and dismissed the court meeting.
Supreme Court
- The real judges are used here:
- Appeal cases are using this court
- The real judge need to follow Angerpool Law when they set the sentence.
- You can appeal your case using this form.
How does the prison work?
We provide a guarded prison here.
Prison rules
- As a minimum, you must be logged in for 10 minutes per month. (A month runs from the first to the last day of the month). If you do not meet this requirement, you will be thrown out of prison, and you will have to start over.
- Your punishment is given in real days. But your titler only registers real days where you have been logged on. This means that if you are sentenced to 50 days in prison. You must be logged in for 50 days for a short while for your sentence to be completed. The days logged on must not be in a row.
For example if you online every day for 3 days and then you have served 3 days, then the 4th day your are not online, when you then log in the 5th day you have served 4 days. - You promise to return the jail keeper titler when you are released or thrown out. Or you must pay me for the license.
- You must at all time wear MSM cuffs and RLV relay and the jail keeper titler.
- This is a non-sex prison.
- If you are relocated during SIM restart it will not count as an escape attempt if you stay near the prisoner gate until a staff member locks you in.
- Cheating is not allowed. If you are caught cheating, you risk being permanently banned. This is seen as cheating:
– Escape without it being physically possible or agreed as part of a roleplay.
– Turn off RLV to TP to other SIMS. (We will be notified if you do this).
– Turning off the RLV is only permitted if a staff member has given permission. - Click here to see the RLV restrictions
IMPORTANT: Its mandatory to use a viewer that supports RLV scripts, for example firestorm. The standard second life viewer will NOT work. And you must have RLV scripts enabled: How to enable RLV scripts in Firestorm
The prison is divide into four sections, prisoners in all must follow these rules:
- You must kneel in front of any staff members
- You must address staff members by their title
- You are not allowed to be AFK for longer than 10 minutes without asking for permission.
- If you behave bad you will be punished.
For more info about the sections see below:
Jump to topic: – Short term prison – Low security prison – Max security prison – Mental prison
Short term prison
- You will be wearing handcuffs and leg irons.
- There are one prisoner per prison cell.
- The cell door will be closed at all time. Most of your time will be spent here alone.
- Prison uniform is light orange
- When the 24 hours countdown is done your cell door can be open and you cuffs will be removed and you can exit the prison by walking out the “self release door”.
Low security prison
- You will not be wearing handcuffs and leg irons. Except if you are punished.
- Each cell have two beds, so you might need to share cell with someone.
- The cell door will be open at all time. You can move to the canteen, gym, game room, shower and yard.
- Prison uniform are black & white.
Max security prison
- You will wear handcuffs or leg irons at all time.
- Each cell have one bed, so you will be locked up alone and most of your time will be here.
- The cell door will be closed at all time. Most of your time will be spent here alone.
- You will need staff to escort you to the canteen, gym, shower and the prison yard.
- Guards can use additional chains or gags to get you under control.
- Prison uniform are orange
Mental prison
In the the city you will find the mental clinic. Here we treat patients with various psychiatric challenges. We also have some patient rooms where people who are temporarily dangerous to the environment must stay. But basically, this is a place where we can do talk therapy and, if necessary,
medication treatment. In the prison, we have a mental ward with criminals who have been sentenced to compulsory mental health care or need psychiatric treatment.
- In here you will be locked into a padded cell with handcuffs and leg irons (If you have a straitjacket it can be used here as long as you configure it so every staff member managed it). Most of your time will be spent here.
- The mental prison is on the first floor with separate canteen and shower.
- Each padded cell have one bed, so you will be locked up alone and most of your time will be here.
- The cell door will be closed at all time
- You will need staff or and sometimes doctor to escort you to the canteen, gym, shower and the prison yard.
- You will not be mixed with the other prisoners.
- The doctor at the prison will threat you and hopefully you will be allowed back to the society.
- Prison uniform are red.
We have uniforms that supports the following body types:
Female: Classic bodies, Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venus), Ebody Reborn, Legacy, M, Maitreya, Ocacin Standard, Sink (Hourglass, Physique), Tonic (Curvy, Fine), Voluptuous
Male: Classic bodies, Adin Bento, Belleza Jake, Legacy Male, Ocacin Gamit, Onupup, Signature Gianni, Slink Male
The uniforms can be seen at the prison in the waiting area.
RLV restrictions
General – RLV restrictions:
- unable to receive teleport request from friends
- unable to teleport into the same region by double-clicking
- unable to use a landmark.
- when avatar stands up, it is automatically teleported back to the location where it initially sat down
- Unable to see mini map, world map
- Can’t fly
- Can’t shout
- Can’t sit on object unless it is closer than 1.5 m
- Chat in local / nearby chat and IM is allowed.
- Camera restriction max zoom 60 meters
Confined RLV restrictions
If you wish to get the real thing experience, you can have the confined restrictions:
- Same as general restriction in addition comes the following
- Unable to start, send and receive IM.
- Unable to touch, unless the object is closer than 1.5 m
- Camera locked to avatar
- Unable to see name tags, people – nearby
- Max camera distance = 5 meters
RLV Isolations
If you get punished one of the punishments is to put on more strict RLV. Is common to do this togther with Isolation cell stay.
- Same as general restriction in addition comes the following:
- Unable to start IM.
- Unable to see world map and mini map.
- Unable to touch, unless the object is closer than 1.5 m
- Unable to see any name
- Unable to editing and opening objects
- Unable to wearing anything beyond what the avatar is already wearing
- Unable to removing anything in what the avatar is wearing
- Unable to read any hover text
- Unable to see inventory
- Unable to know where they are in world map.
- Every emote seen in public chat will be discarded
- Max camera distance = 5 meters
Mental hospital roleplay
How to become a patient?
We offer talk therapy without admission. That is, if you need to talk to someone, the psychiatrists are available for this. To get started, you must fill out this form
How to be locked in in closed ward
If the psychiatrist finds that you need to be locked in a closed ward, the following rules apply:
– There are no RLV restrictions
– You can landmark your cell/room and come and go as you wish.
– But if you don’t have a role-playing game with you in the course of a month, your cell will be freed. It is best if you let us know that you want to leave us
– You will be in handcuffs or straitjacket or chained to your cell bed.
– You will be taken to the canteen, shower, fresh air cage, therapy sessions
If the psychiatrists think you pose a threat to society, you will be taken to court where they will get a court order that you must be locked up for treatment. You don’t have to have committed any offenses yet. Angerpool Law §8 applies
Prostitution & other roleplay
How to become a licensed prostitute?
You are welcome to join our society as prostitute, dancer or other roles. To be a licensed prostitute you must apply here. When you receive your license you are allowed to have sex with your costumers at Angerpool. Your costumers will not be arrested.
Apply as licensed prostitute here
Is it allowed to sell and buy sex in Angerpool?
Yes as long as you have sex with a licensed prostitute.
Join as staff
You can join as police staff here
You can join as medical staff here
You can join other roles here.
What is OOC & IC?
In a role-playing game you are your character (avatar). But sometimes wee need to reach the person behind the keyboard, these comments are called OOC. When we speak to your character we speak in IC:
OOC stands for Out Of Character and refers to things that are meant to be read as you, the player, not your characters.
IC stands for IC, and refers to things that are meant to be read as being said (or actions performed by) a character. The player of the character may not share the same views as that of the character.
Generally, a RP may contain a combin